After some googling, I came across the groovycsv library. The groovycsv library relies on OpenCSV and makes reading and writing to/from CSV files easy. Don't believe me, well, check out this example from the groovycsv site:
def csv = '''Name,Lastname
def data = parseCsv(csv)
for(line in data) {
println "$line.Name $line.Lastname"
Yet, if I wanted to run this script "as is", it would fail to work because the groovycsv library is not a part of the class path or some such nonsense ;-). Well, a closer look at the example provided by the groovycsv team suggests that the following 2 lines of code should be included with the script.@Grab('com.xlson.groovycsv:groovycsv:1.0')
import static com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser.parseCsv
Wait ... what?!?! What's this @Grab thing? Well, after some further googling, it turns out that Groovy scripts support Maven dependencies. These can be included using the @Grab annotation. The syntax is quite similar to Maven's groupId, artifactId and version call outs -- the difference being each value is separated by a colon ( : ).The first time the script is executed, the dependency is retrieved from Maven (at run-time) and then its made available to the script by supplying the correct import statement. Kinda cool. But, what if you've got a number of dependencies that are required?
Are you hungry for grapes? Grape stands for Groovy's Advanced Package Engine. It's the mechanism that provides a Groovy script with the capability to grab a Maven dependency. With respect to the example code above, even after adding the groovycsv dependency, the script would fail due to a missing CSVReader class. The CSVReader class is code that is contained within the OpenCSV library. Here's how to overcome this issue using Grape:
, @Grab('com.xlson.groovycsv:groovycsv:1.0')]
import static com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser.parseCsv
That's it! The next time the script is run, each of the noted dependencies will be grabbed from Maven and placed within ~/.groovy/grapes. Now, all dependencies are satisfied. Even better -- if you share this script with someone else or you run it on a different platform, Groovy should grab what you need.
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